When looking to purchase a new paint booth there are many things to consider. One of the main factors in the plan is going to be cost. A new paint booth is a major purchase, probably the most expensive tool in your shop. Whether you are leasing or paying cash you want to get the most return on your investment. To be able to do that buy from a company that has been in the industry for a long time. You will be assured that you can get service and support from them for the long haul. By a little more than you think you can afford, it will pay off with increased production and value. For example if you can't afford a heated booth right now at least get a booth with a plenum to add heat to later. It will save you down time when you add heat and if you don't is no harm done.

 Consider the type of paint booth you will need. A downdraft will give you the best results, cleaner jobs, quicker thru the paint shop but the cost of the install is much higher as you will need to install a pit or basement for the exhaust. A side down would be the next best option almost like a down draft in the way it preforms. It's going to use a little more shop floor space and extra holes in the roof but it’s a great option if you have the space for it. Semi down drafts are really modified cross draft paint booths with a way to add heat to it thru the upper plenum. A great way to go if space is at a premium and you can add heat to them very easily. The basic cross draft will be great for 1 or 2 jobs a day but that's about it much more than that you will really push the quality finish on most jobs. It’s a place to start considering the low cost of the booths available.

 ETL list booths will be the best option. Already tested with third party inspections to perform as it should and keep you safe. Most jurisdictions will require this option to pass inspection. It will add a small cost to the booth but if you are required to have your booth inspected by a listing company it will cost you big time sometimes more than the cost of the booth. So don't even consider non listed paint booths it's usually not worth the savings. If you have any questions or looking to purchase a new paint booth or upgrade your existing one give us a call or visit BoothFilterSite.com

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