We can turn in the face discussing proper filtration - and no, that blue does not come from the paint you're using. But while filters are vital to your spray booth to provide a safe environment for your workers, there are other steps that can and should be taken to not only protect workers but also ensure your spray booth is running at peak efficiency with every job.
Here are some things to consider, and maybe reminders of proper care and maintenance of your spray booth:
Have a variable frequency drive in your spray booth to calibrate the pressure. If you don't have one, get one - it will save a lot of time and potentially money.
Don't just come up with a filter-replacement schedule; strictly enforce it. The large majority of problems with spray booth efficiencies is due to filter schedules just being "guidelines" and thus subject to interpretation by workers. Leave no room for interpretation.
Make sure to calibrate the pressure regularly as well. Get the pressurization level as close to zero as possible for maximum efficiency.
While you are changing filters, have a look at fan belts to look for wear. Do a quick perusal with every filter change but a thorough inspection every year and be ready to replace belts.
At least once a year, check your airflow through the booth by tracking the air from where it enters to where it exits and check for any changes that might suggest a blockage of some kind.
Posted by Booth Filter Site on 9/4/2014 to
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