Getting More Light
Add an additional light or 2 to your boot

Adding additional light fixtures to your paint booth came be an easy procedure that will benefit both your painter and your bottom line. Most paint booth are made of G90 18 gauge sheet metal which can easily be cut to accommodate a new light fixture. On a Saturday afternoon you and a helper can install 4 additional 4 tube T8 fixtures. LDPI is the source we at we recommend. With years of proven success and the right products for the application your booth will shine with the added lights. The 400SLB Series light fixture made for paint booths has inside access for limited back side accessibility. It's made from 20 gauge steel powder coated white and only 2" deep a perfect fit in most situations. T8 florescent or LED 's are available. Remember always get a certified electrician to wire in your new lights. Complete installation instructions are provided, but you'll need to pick up some new T8 light tubes to got with your new fixtures.  

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